I don't know about you, but Christmas and New Year REALLY snuck up on me and was here and gone before I knew it. It was the least Christmassy I have ever felt in my life - and that includes when I backpacked overseas through Dec/Jan and spent most of it by myself. I think it is because I worked right up until the day before Christmas Eve (combo of swimming teaching, farm work and Graceful Impressions orders) and I just didn't leave enough time to get into the festive spirit.
I didn't leave a lot of time for many things in 2019. I'm not one to make new year's resolutions, but I think I'll make an exception. What I will try harder in 2020 to do, is live more in the moment. Be less ruled by the clock and the calendar. I spent a lot of time running from pillar to post last year and I'd really rather not do that this year. Balance...that's what I need. Balance.
I want and need to be more organised across everything (cue: bulk cooking, menu planning, click N collect) including in Graceful Impressions. As customers, we tend to leave purchasing to the last minute - there are a variety of reasons for this, and I too follow this behaviour. Perhaps we think that it is too early to purchase Christmas/Mothers Day/Fathers Day, Easter/Christening/Birthday (etc) presents, or maybe we think that we will find something better or cheaper elsewhere, or maybe - just maybe - time just gets away. Like it had with me towards the end of last year.
Whatever the reason, I want to get on top of it. I want to help YOU get on top of it. Many of the events we buy for don't sneak up on us (this is actually something that I repeatedly inform my hubby when he "forgets" to buy me something for my birthday yet again!). They are dates that are firmly cemented in our diaries and on our calendars.
So with that in mind, I encourage you to check out what is coming up over the next 3 months. MIL's birthday? Baby shower? Weekend away with old girlfriends? Hen's day/night? Once you have identified the events you want to by something for, then come back and check out my shop. Or contact me for something that I can custom for you. Hopefully we can help each other out by us BOTH being more organised!
For the time being, I wish you and your family a very happy 2020. I have a milestone birthday coming up (the big 50) so watch out for some specials and giveaways connected to this!
Best, Sam x