Whilst you may know me as that person that does personalised goodies, sparkly cups and t.shirts, I am also a farmer. A dairy farmer. As such, I am classed as an essential worker, so our job hasn't stopped (not that we really could tell the girls to "just stop milking and calving for a bit").
But there are a lot of people that we all rely on. The supermarket workers (I see you!), the medical staff (god, I wouldn't want your job!), the petrol station attendants (go you good things) and many, many more.
I thank you....each and every one of you. We have just gone through about 5 or so weeks or unprecedented purchasing in the supermarkets (thankfully it is starting to settle down now), but without all those people in the background - the manufacturers, the truck drivers, the store owners - can you image what it would've really been like. Ugh, it doesn't bear thinking about.
And of course, there are all the people that keep my business going. From the staff that turn up to milk cows, to the feed companies that ensure I have grain to feed them, to the fertiliser companies that make sure that we have Fert available to be applied because we need that grass in Spring, to the vets that are still taking animal consultations to deal with god only knows what has happened (side note: our cat tried to rip its arm off yesterday......now wearing a cone and a drainage tube).
I have popped up on my website a number of COVID19 inspired items. No doubt, more will appear. But one in particular I want to draw your attention to is the 'Essential Worker Stickers". There are 30 different stickers available. They are roughly 6" wide and will come ready for you to apply to your car window, your home window or fridge....whatever. They will come in white outdoor grade vinyl unless otherwise requested (black, red, green and select other colours are available).
Maybe you know of someone that it would suit. Buy it for them! Let the world know who are our essential service workers and let's give them a hearty ovation!
*Love heart designs coming very soon! Keep an eye out for the release!