Probably not such a "PC" term, but there you have it. This is what my kids call me. Lovely.
I should preface this conversation by saying that I love Christmas. No, in fact, I ADORE Christmas. And invariably, it never lives up to my expectations! The rushing around, the last minute grocery dash, panic buying, the house not really looking "festive", the the inevitable lunchtime meal being served at dinner time, and worst of all, having to milk on Christmas night.
A number of years ago, I put a bit of a hold on the whole present buying fiasco. Extended family converted over to a "Kris Kringle" arrangement (one present given, one present received) and I put in place the concept of "4 gifts" for my kids -
something you need
something you want
something to wear
something to read
and this has gone pretty well. It has calmed down the excessive spending sprees, it has focused me AND the kids on what they want and it has taken the guess work out of what to get them (well...mostly...the category of WANT is always a hiccup). There is also Santa sacks (to cater for little ones, to whom Santa comes) and there is usually a big present in which we can all share (a table tennis table and trampoline was last year's big gifts - winner, winner because of extended stay at home with COVID19!!).
Most years, I work right up until Christmas Eve and it puts so much pressure on my time. Things like housework and decorations tend to be left to last (or not at all). This year, I am MUCH more organised. I have cut off dates for orders and I have set myself a goal for getting things in my own household organised by the week before Christmas.
But the tree gets done on the 1st December and that time is rapidly approaching - if you didn't know. 17 days until December 1st....42 days until Christmas. Gulp. So the decorations will be pulled out and the tree will be erected. I have already eyed off new ornaments. I was telling Biddy last weekend of a potential colour scheme. She rolled her eyes (she's 12 mind you....there is a lot of eye rolling happening now) and snorted. She never really engaged in the conversation until when I bought up the subject in front of the other kids, they all launched into me like Trump fighting the US election result. In no uncertain terms, they told me how I give them the "illusion" of being able to decorate the tree, but in fact, I tell them where to hang baubles, how to place the angel, in what order everything goes up and that they are never, ever allowed to touch the nativity set. Ever. In short, they called me a Christmas nazi.
I must admit, I was a little taken back. After all, I don't move any of the ornaments they place except in the case of Henry's efforts where he places about 10 in the exact same place. I believed that I did allow them to decorate the tree and the surrounds. But looking at it from their eyes, I can see that perhaps I don't. So this year, I will let them have free reign. There are not too many Christmas left in which we will all be together in the lead up to the actual day. Depending on circumstance, Tom may be gone in as little as 4 years and Biddy not much after.
So this year, I will take the hand off the decorating throttle a bit and I will get them more involved. They might not like it all that much though, when it comes time to cleaning everything up as well!! And hopefully, they will feel they are actually taking part a bit more.
But they are NEVER, EVER touching the nativity set. EVER.